About Me

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Pa., United States
WELCOME! This is my blog about Couponing, Stockpiling, Cooking, Menu Planning, Having a Clean & Organized Home, Cupcakes, Cakes, Sugar Cookies, being a Momma to two AMAZING boys and being a Wife to a Hubby who puts up with my crazy ideas like one day opening my own Bakery....ENJOY

Friday, May 6, 2011

What to do?

Ok you "Coupon Virgins"
You have been asking 
Where do I begin?
How do I know what is on sale?
What is "rock bottom" prices for things?
When do I use those coupons?
Where do I go for the best prices?
Here is where I start...

1. I get my sales flyers out of the sunday paper
               2. I get my weekly sales flyers from the grocery stores
               3. I get "My Coupon Binder"
               4. I figure out my "Weekly Menu" based on what I have @ home and what is on sale @ the grocery store,(usually the front page of the ad will show you what meats are on sale that week @ "rock  bottom" prices)

(Because of My Stockile I am able to do a "Monthly Menu Plan") but when you are starting out just do it weekly or for 2 weeks depending on your "Family Budget"

               5.Go to http://www.thekrazycouponlady.com/
(I use her for the Drugstores Rite Aid, CVS, and Walgreens)
               6. Go to stretchingabuck.com 
(I use her for Giant Eagle ads, but also look in the flyer)
               7. Go to iheartthemart.com
(I use him for Walmart, but he lives on Texas and his prices can sometimes be WAY different from ours, So just double check @ the store)
               8. I make "The List"
               9. Then I Organize
-Which coupons with what sales?
-What store am I using them in?
-I like knowing what is My Total gonna be?(I like having a figure but sometimes that can change once your in the store       I will see a deal on other things,  
They are out of the item,(in that case ALWAYS get a raincheck for how many you want....)

Using the internet really saves me from running store to store.Start out small, Figure out what you want to have extra in your house because you know you hate running out to the store because you hear your kids or your husband say we're out of toothpaste, deoderant, toliet paper, cereal, bread, eggs, things for supper or kids lunches,etc...
When My Family says they are out of something I love saying alright then go to the Pantry.... and if we don't have it then they know to put in on "The List"(we will get to that another day). Before I would just  reach for my keys and say I'll be right back in an hour and spending full price for that item and going to the store for 2 things and leaving with 20.... You will get there if you want to trust me when my kids we're smaller I couponed a little bit here or there but I wasn't really seeing any savings so I stopped, but know they seriously eat me out of house and home if I let them..LOL. I don't know why I haven't been doing this the whole time, Ladies just get to know the stores, plan out your meals, make a list,and you will be in and out before you know it even with a screaming 3 yr old.....

And it doesn't end when you are done shopping (Sorry ladies)
When you get home put your stuff away neatly and organized so you can always see what you have hand.. 

Also you could seperate your meats into ziploc bags this helps to know how many meals you have stocked so that you can just pull it out the night before put in in the fridge( I have a container that I put my raw meat into to defrost because it could leak and I would rather clean the container than it leak all over other items) 
 Hope this helps ....Tammy     

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